Palabra Interrogativa ‘How Many’ y el uso de ‘There is’, ‘There are’
En esta ocasion te hablare acerca de la palabra interrogativa how many y del uso de there is y there are.
La palabra interrogativa ‘how many‘ pregunta por ‘cuantos’. La respuesta puede ser en singular o en plural, segun sea el caso.
Asi, si queremos preguntar cuantos objetos, personas, animales, etc., hay, diremos How many y construiremos una oracion interrogativa.
How many whiteboards are there in the classroom?
How many chairs are there in the classroom?
Para responder a esta pregunta usamos las expresiones ‘there is‘ o ‘there are‘.
Usamos there is para responder en singular.
Usamos there are para responder en plural.
How many whiteboards are there in the classroom?
There is one whiteboard in the classroom.
How many chairs are there in the classroom?
There are three chairs in the classroom.
Lee y repite:
How many notebooks are there on the table?
There are two notebooks on the table.
How many windows are there in the room?
There is one window in the room.
How many doors are there in the room?
There are three doors in the room.
Espero que esta pequeña explicacion acerca de la palabra interrogativa how many y del uso de there is y there are te sea de gran utilidad y provecho.
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Tula Alcocer.
Creadora de DancEnglish™
Linguista – ESL Tutor/Coach